Uniting the towns of Campelos and Outeiro da Cabeça, this 18,5 km walking route offers two shorter variants, with the central theme of elements that characterize the respective parishes, which are aggregated.
Uniting the towns of Campelos and Outeiro da Cabeça, this 18,5 km walking route offers two shorter variants, with the central theme of elements that characterize the respective parishes, which are aggregated.
This pedestrian route joins the two main urban centers of the parishes, passing through places such as the Campelos Ethnographic Museum, the mill of this locality, Lagoa do Falcão, the train station of Outeiro da Cabeça and the facilities of the ceramic industrial complex in the area. With a total length of 18,5 km, it has two planned starts: one in Campelos (next to the market) and another in Outeiro da Cabeça (next to the local building of the Parish Council of União das Freguesias dos Campelos and Outeiro da Cabeça). It was thought to be the junction of two routes that can be done separately or together, as well as in order to show what best distinguishes and unites those two parishes: bread, recognized on the side of Campelos, and clay, recognized on the Outeiro side. It is not by chance that the bread kneaded by hand and baked in a red clay oven with firewood is one of the ex-libris of the territory where the Route of Bread and Clay is developed.
Course characteristics
- County: Torres Vedras
- Locations: Campelos and Outeiro da Cabeça
• Type of route: Circular
• Departure and arrival points:
- Campelos: Market and Parish Council
- Outeiro da Cabeça: Largo 1º de Maio
• Distance: 18,5 km
• Accumulated gaps: 290 m
• Duration: 4h30
• Degree of difficulty: Easy
• Recommended season: All year
Bearing in mind the permanent possibility of vandalism of the pedestrian route signaling, guidance is recommended through complementary means (leaflet or gps).
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